About Guruji

Pandit Dipak Shastri Guruji is a pandit from trimbakeshwar, Nashik, and he lives in Trimbak behind Trimbakeshwar Temple with his family. Pandit ji perfroming all type of trimbakeshwar pooja like kalsarp dosh puja, maha mrityunjay jaap, pitra dosh nivaran etc.

Panditji is a best kalsarp pandit in trimbakeshwar and his generations has been giving consistent result as per the dosh found in the kundali of people from the last more than 20 years. He has very vast experience in the field of dosh nivaran puja and could established as Trimbakeshwar's best pandit.

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What is Kaal Sarp Dosh?

Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu & Ketu.

How to Book Kalsarp Puja

Just Call Guruji and Check your kundali for free to know dosh in kundali to perform puja accordingly.

Kalsarp Pooja Cost

1100/- for Samuhik Puja, 2100/- for Individual Puja and 5100/- for Maha Puja.

कालसर्प दोष निवारण पूजा

Trimbakeshwar Kaal Sarp Puja

त्र्यंबकेश्वर मंदिर महादेव शिव का भव्य मंदिर है। त्र्यंबकेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग शिव के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंगों में से एक है। कथन के अनुसार जब समस्त ग्रह राहु और केतु के मध्य में आकर स्थित हो जातें है , तब व्यक्ति की कुंडली में काल सर्प दोष की स्थिति उत्पन्न होती है। ऐसे में काल सर्प दोष की पूजा करवाना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है।

Kaal Sarp Dosh in Kundali creates many problems in life of a person like marraige problem, financial problem, love problem, Job or Business Problem etc. The best remedy over kaal sarp yog in kundali is kaal sarp puja in Trimbakeshwar. This is the easiest way to get out of kalsarp dosh.

To perform kalsarp yog puja in Trimbakeshwar contact pandit Dipak Shastri ji, he is well educated and expert in kalsarp dosh. First guruji will check your kundali for kalsarpa yoga and check which type of dosh you have among 12 types of kalsarp dosh. Then they will suggest you best remedy over it.

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Trimbakeshwar Puja

त्र्यंबकेश्वर पंडितजी दिपक शास्त्री गुरुजीसे करने के लिए संपर्क करे |

कालसर्प शांति , पितृ दोष , नारायण नागबली पूजा , महामृत्युंजय जाप पूजा